Introduce yourself
It's a new forum, and although many of us know each other from P&P, I'm betting a lot of us may not know exactly what the others do. And hopefully we'll be getting some new residents. So say hello, tell us what you do, and give us a glimpse of your lives.
I'm Russell Lissau, a writer based in the Chicago suburbs. I've been getting paid to write since I was 18 and have been working in comics since 2005. I broe into comics with the lead story in BATMAN ALLIES SECRET FILES AND ORIGINS 2005 and spent much of the 2007 and 2008 as a regular writer on THE BATMAN STRIKES. Since then I've been doing a lot of independent work and really loving it, with stories in OMEGA COMICS PRESENTS, READING WITH PICTURES and other fine projects. I've self-published one story and am planning to do another this summer; also this summer will see the release of my work on Ape Entertainment's STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE mini-series. I've never been happier writing than when I'm writing comics, and I regret that it took me so long to consider entering the field.
I'm Russell Lissau, a writer based in the Chicago suburbs. I've been getting paid to write since I was 18 and have been working in comics since 2005. I broe into comics with the lead story in BATMAN ALLIES SECRET FILES AND ORIGINS 2005 and spent much of the 2007 and 2008 as a regular writer on THE BATMAN STRIKES. Since then I've been doing a lot of independent work and really loving it, with stories in OMEGA COMICS PRESENTS, READING WITH PICTURES and other fine projects. I've self-published one story and am planning to do another this summer; also this summer will see the release of my work on Ape Entertainment's STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE mini-series. I've never been happier writing than when I'm writing comics, and I regret that it took me so long to consider entering the field.
I'm a webcomics creator and self-publisher, most notable for Conny van Ehlsing, Monster Hunter, which P&Pers may know from the work log I've kept for the last two or three years. I've published two German Conny albums and am still working on the first English one.
I've been in an out of comics since the eighties, when I co-founded the now-influential German fanzine PANEL. Took a break from comics for most of the nineties and am still recovering from those lost years. I've published in most of the important German fanzines and anthologies, recently moving on to guest spots in bigger publications. Well, bigger by German standards. It's a small scene.
In other works, I try to apply all the stuff I've learned along the way as a web designer, illustrator, script supervisor, blogger, comics journalist, sociologist and whatever comes my way. Plus a night shift job to maintain that bohemian lifestyle. Thinking about cutting down on that last one, though.
I wrote stuff for some video games way back when, and now I'm putting together some comic scripts. I took a long hiatus from reading comics after one of my visits to pick up my regular order came to $227. That was when I knew I had a problem. But there could be worse addictions.
I'm making an effort to learn as much about the artist process as the writing process, even if I can only scribble out stick men. Knowing what the artists will need/do makes sense to me.
When PnP blew up I set up a forum as well over at, which is what I had renamed the associated Twitter account to. Even though I just changed my Twitter handle Vanilla is still linked to the old name. Can one of the mods edit my name? I don't want to be AtommoCom on here, and it probably violates the rules anyway (ooh, that was quick, thanks!)
I've since written a bunch of stuff for various anthologies (I'm one of a tiny select group of creators to have stories in all four issues of Popgun), did a children's book called T. Runt! with Jimmie Robinson, and last year released my second GN, Pug, with Greg Espinoza.
In 2012, Vertigo will release an OGN I wrote, Gone to Amerikay. drawn, by Colleen Doran; Image will release the currently mystery-shrouded anthology I'm calling Project R, which will contain art by former P&Pers and present of future SWers Anthony Peruzzo and Jimmie! Robinson; a musical I co-wrote will debut off-Broadway; and another other-media project I can't yet be too specific about will emerge.
I've finished a variety of short pieces, mostly by myself but sometimes with other artists. Nothing in print (yet). Recent work includes It Gets Better, Fetus Christ, and Captain Miracle. I'm working on JAQrabbit Tales, a series of shorts inspired by true events, which will eventually add up to a bio-porno-graphic novel. I have a notebook full of other ideas, gestating in the background. I'm the operator of Neverpedia, a wiki about J. M. Barrie and Peter Pan, an interest I'll be tying in with comics at some point.
I'm pretty much all-digital these days, writing in OpenOffice, drawing in Manga Studio, coloring in Photoshop, and lettering in Illustrator. I use an iMac and Intuos3 tablet at home, and an old HP tablet/slate on breaks from my day job or while sitting on the couch at the Baxter Street Home for Wayward Boys. That's in urban Grand Rapids MI, where I live with two housemates (one of whom dabbles as an artist, the other one actually pays rent).
I live in the Washington, DC area and I'm part of the DC Comics Conspiracy, the local comic book group hereabouts. SPX is pretty much our home town show (it's down the street from the high school I went to, for example) and is probably the best show to find me at.
I also like to come up with radical ideas about "the market" from time to time. Mostly, they're just ideas.
Also, because the reCaptcha was completely unwilling to let me in, I had to connect using my Twitter account, which uses my brand name, not my real name. When you fix the reCaptcha, I'll fix the whole "use your real name" thing.
I'm from Pennsylvania, and as of late last year I've been a full time writer of various and sundry. I still type like I have baby sauages taped to my fingers.
I was a three time Zuda person with Junk, Rumors of War and The Assignment, the last two of which were with P and P'ers John Bivens and Anthony Peruzzo, respectively.
I've been in a bunch of anthologies, including a couple of Kagemonos. I have a super seekrit project which I'm not quite ready to mention in public. But it's cool.
I like pancakes.
Born in Saskatchewan, raised all over the Canadian Prairie provinces and finally settled down in Ottawa with a hope of someday migrating from office work to writing and drawing comics on something vaguely resembling a full-time basis before I die.
Working with Ian Gould on Local Hero, worked with Jason Franks on a Kagemono story, and there's a couple of other irons in assorted fires hither and yon.
Here's hoping...
I am a tornado disguised as a girl.
I write and draw and self publish.
I also have worked for Image and Marvel on various projects.
My parents met in a trainwreck.
I wear roller skates every day.
I play the cello & scream into microphones.
I'm the nicest hedonist you've ever met.
I have a firm handshake.
It the moment I've a story at iTunes, two at, and three OGNs (with a fourth coming) from ARCHAIA...
plus stories in Lifelike, Acts of Violence, Outlaw Territories, Kagemono, and Omega Comics Presents.
I've got projects lined up for LBX, OCP, the web and a pitch that shall remain unamed, since its only a pitch.
There's a project or three of my own I should get to. Writers. Can't live with 'em, can't live... etc.
Comics creator, promoter, stuff doer.
[i do not always talk or write in a stupid voice, just a now and then mood thing]