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Heya, what's your email address? I can send you the story to check out.December 2018
Sorry to hear about the Bowie project! Is it Allred who's being difficult with people?September 2017
BrandonSeifertDammit, I thought I was sending a message, not leaving a comment! And it won't let me delete it. :(
The influences here, obviously, are Hellblazer and Planetary.... the latter of which I've been re-reading this week. I've always struggled with fantastical stories and concepts, and Ellis does them so easily. My stuff is much more two-dimensional. But this could be different.There's also going to be a bit of Witch Doctor in the final act when the magician magically shows the monster reproducing/growing in the burglar's body, @BrandonSeifert, so thanks for that.April 2017
DinoCaruso changed his profile picture.February 2017
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