Death Defiers?
So I'm doing a creator owned book about four specialists who parachute into the world's deadliest situations and fix them. A modern day Challengers, but mine.
What do I call them? Death Defiers sounds dumb. Any ideas?
What do I call them? Death Defiers sounds dumb. Any ideas?
Adrenaline Junkies?
Name-wise...The Ripcorps? The Four Drops? Perilchuters? Defiers of the Surprising was my Challs pastiche that I never got anywhere past the scripting on back in The Engine days; you're welcome to that name, even if it's just this side of a C&D waiting to happen.
Dunno if that actually makes sense for your concept, but I sort of like it. Perhaps there is a price to pay for successfully dealing with these dangers.
Leap Before You Look
Death Defiant
Final Solutions
Disaster Masters
The Last Resort
Unless the content is really, really dark or the title has to be the group's actual name instead of a nick name or tag, I'm really liking Danger Rangers. They could have a cool, militarized name like Black Ice Security, but everyone calls them the Danger Rangers. . .