Artists, Paying gig!

edited April 2013 in Do The Work
Hello all

Rich over at the Gutters has asked if I'd help him round up some artists for their pool.  They use a different artist per strip, and want to expand the group that they work with. I've done 3 pages for them over the last couple of years, and they are great to work with, and they pay QUITE well for one page of pencils + inks, delivered digitally. (I'm not going to post the amount here because I don't know if Rich and Jeff want it out as 'public knowledge' but I can vouch first person that it IS a good rate, and that they DO pay)

The URL for the site is here:

and if you are interested in having your name added to the list I'm giving Rich send me a message either via here (DM) with your email address, or email me at rantz at rantzhoseley dot com.  The only head's up is that you usually have to do it in very fast turnaround (10-12 hours from the time you get the script)


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