Most of the day felt like me procrastinating, but then I managed to solve a pacing problem I had with the first two pages of my upcoming story, so I can finally get to it.
Last night I lettered and posted a page for Love is in the Blood. Had a totally crap day but still managed to letter tomorrow's Perfect Agent page and put it in the hopper to drop at midnight.
Today I finished the lettering for the story I was working on and turned in the final TIFs. I also made a PDF of the preview JPEGs — and it's a nice little book. I'm still really impressed how much color is adding to the whole Witch Doctor package. It looks like a completely different series now.
Hustled some more news sites, and nudged some people who needed nudging.
And while posting in another thread on here I inadvertently came up with an idea for a new superhero miniseries or OGN, complete with name, high concept and elevator pitch. Posted about it on Facebook, and immediately had the perfect artist for it volunteer. So, may need to do something with that sooner or later. Serendipity, baby!
Bit more work with Tom Bonin. Lettering fixes for Bucket of Glass. Housekeeping and setting up email for a new project. Wrote a few pages of new script for a new Gourmand Go piece. Turned a scrap of script into a short-short (300 words) for a flash fiction contest.
Received inked artwork for page 1 of the "Zycorax" project from Paul Abstruse. Looking awesome! I'll post it once I have his permission.
95% sure Green Wake #3 is done, had to address some grammatical and spelling errors the writer caught. Spent most of today hustling work, but did very well for myself after yesterday's all-day lettering/That's So Kraven! business.
Found an artist for a 4 page anthology story and got a thumbs-up from an editor regarding the dialogue and caps I wrote from the artist's roughs for a different project.
I've been prepping for fcbd. Also, promoting Strawberry Shortcake. Also, proofing DAILY GRIND, which isn't going well because I keep finding stupid mistakes I made that I should've caught earlier. Marv hates me, I know it.
Marv and I have completed the layouts for DAILY GRIND. Marv actually did all the hard work, I just proofed the damn things. Next week I 'll call the printer; I think a 100-copy print run ought to do.
This was my table set-up at the Wizard Toronto show. It wasn't super busy like Fan Expo, but I had a good time and moved a nice number of books. I'm going to have far less space at some other shows, so I think I'd like to get a vertical rack that has four levels...maybe two of them to increase efficiency.
Today's work involved signing at Free Comic Book Day for three hours, immediately following my eight-hour day shift at work, on about five hours sleep. Wee! So that was fun, if a bit dissociative.
The staff were great. This being Portland, I'd previously gone for drinks with the store manager and Joss Whedon's brother, and one of the employees was one of my favorite former housemates, who has a comic coming out from Arcana eventually.
Today I updated the Witch Doctor website a bit, and sent a couple business/promo emails. That's about all I had strength for after my long day. Also, I got the following testimonial quote:
"Witch Doctor has the potential to be the next great horror story in the comic industry."
With the help of coffee, I finished writing the first issue of a potential four issue mini-series. I'm patting myself on the back twice as hard since I'm out of town for work (Don't tell the bosses!) Next step will be prepping some outlines and summaries for pitch material and, oh yeah, hiring an artist! I make it sound so easy...
It feels good to complete something, even if its just one issue. Been awhile since that's happened!
I've had night shifts again (the uncreative kind, making this 11 out of 15 nights altogether), so I still couldn't put in all the work I wanted to, but at least I managed to sketch a couple of one-pagers for Gate Crash. Now I'll just have to make the time to finish them.
Worked some on the may project yesterday, but feel like I am falling behind. going to get some late dinner, then make some time with the laptop and the keys.
This was my table set-up at the Wizard Toronto show. It wasn't super busy like Fan Expo, but I had a good time and moved a nice number of books. I'm going to have far less space at some other shows, so I think I'd like to get a vertical rack that has four levels...maybe two of them to increase efficiency.
With the help of coffee, I finished writing the first issue of a potential four issue mini-series. I'm patting myself on the back twice as hard since I'm out of town for work (Don't tell the bosses!) Next step will be prepping some outlines and summaries for pitch material and, oh yeah, hiring an artist! I make it sound so easy...
It feels good to complete something, even if its just one issue. Been awhile since that's happened!