Looking for collaborators / contractors / contributors
Although Sequential Workshop isn't primarily a place for random hook-ups, sometimes that's just what a body needs. If you're looking for someone to collaborate with developing something (but don't have anyone in particular in mind), or if you're looking to hire a person (or beg for a volunteer) to draw or letter or dialog your project, or if you're looking for contributions to an anthology or something of that sort... post a notice here.
(Note: If you're new to the forum, you might want to hold off on this, and start by introducing yourself in the "Introduce yourself" thread. Drive-bys aren't likely to get much response.)
Briefly describe the project: genre, length, format, theme, etc. What do you want someone else to do? Would it be a co-ownership deal or a work-for-hire gig? Is there money involved up-front or back-end? Any deadlines or other important details they'd need to know before expressing interest?
If you're interested, in most cases it's best to follow up privately, rather than discussing a possible relationship in public. Click on the poster's name, then "Send [name] a Message".
(Note: If you're new to the forum, you might want to hold off on this, and start by introducing yourself in the "Introduce yourself" thread. Drive-bys aren't likely to get much response.)
Briefly describe the project: genre, length, format, theme, etc. What do you want someone else to do? Would it be a co-ownership deal or a work-for-hire gig? Is there money involved up-front or back-end? Any deadlines or other important details they'd need to know before expressing interest?
If you're interested, in most cases it's best to follow up privately, rather than discussing a possible relationship in public. Click on the poster's name, then "Send [name] a Message".
I'm looking for an artist to pitch a project called DEUCE.
Terms: partnership.
Format: Standard US comic size. 6 issue miniseries/OGN.
In Brief: DEUCE is an ensemble drama about how the depredations of a metafictional serial killer affect an extended cast of characters.
More Detail:
DEUCE is HALLOWEEN inside-out. It's not SCREAM, which follows horror movie tropes while making fun of them; the closest comparison I can make is FUNNY GAMES.
The idea is to invert the conventions of the horror movie in order to comment on them, and to amp them up. Everything is set in broad daylight. There's no cheating, there are no startle effects, there are no cat scares or mirror games or dripping taps. Those cheap shots don't work so well in comics and, once I took those options away, I think what's left distills down to one hell of a creepy story.
First and foremost, though, DEUCE is a character drama. It has plenty of bloody setpieces, but most of the book is talking heads and I need someone who can bring nuance and humour to the material.
Right now, I've scripted three issues and I have a detailed outline for the rest. PM me if you want to have a chinwag about the project and perhaps read some script.
Length: 6-8 pages, plus script and backmatter, for about 16 pages total.
Specs: black and white mini-comic, small print run (100-200 copies in first edition, probably)
Seeking: Penciler/inker
Terms: Ideally I'd like a partner who would develop this with me and use the same model mpMann and I used on our self-published books. That is, we each get copies of the pdf and can print as many as we want to sell at cons. This has proven to be very profitable: I've sold about 300 copies of The29 and Daily Grind. At a cost of a buck each, I make $2 profit per copy.
The story: This is a bit of a creative exercise for me but also (I hope) a really sharp comic book story. It's a western about an Old West sheriff heading off for an early-morning duel with three outlaws. Before departing, he writes his ex-wife (who still lives in town) a love letter, one he delivers personally to her door before the duel. She awakens and reads it as three shots ring out on Main Street, and the story ends. Did he fire the shots and kill the outlaws, or did they gun him down? Readers will be left wondering, along with the woman in question.
The hook: The story is inspired by the music of Chris Mills, one of my best friends from college and an accomplished folk/rock musician in the Wilco vein. Two songs specifically: KILLERS, in which a man goes to face assassins who are gunning for him, and TAKE ME DOWN, a ballad sung by a man to his ex before he moves on. The art of the story will reflect KILLERS. The text -- all captions except for a bit of dialogue -- will be the words to TAKE ME DOWN. Chris, a comic book fan, is on board. In fact, he loves the idea. I recommended he sell the books as merch at his shows. The script isn't written yet; I plan to start it tonight. Backmatter will include the script, the lyrics to both songs, an essay by me and (hopefully) one by the artist. That's the Lissau/Mann tradition. I will provide mp3 recordings of both songs to the artist.
This is a book I will sell at cons and library appearances, and I will sell A LOT of them. If you're interested, you should be an artist who exhibits as well so you can print the comics up and sell them yourself, making a tidy profit in the process.
I want to hear from some of you specifically, but anyone is welcome to email me with questions or interest.
(AN AMENDMENT: I am open to paying an artist a page rate for the project; I do this for lettering without blinking. But it's not my first choice for an artist. I'd rather have a partner who's willing to invest in the project by promoting and selling the book than simply being a hired hand.)
I'm looking for artists to illustrate one or more stories as Work For Hire. Story selection will be worked out based on the artist's interests/comfort. I'll pay a per-page rate (split between advance/completion), but understand that my pockets are not deep. Color or color-ready art is preferred. Deadlines are very flexible. Primary distribution will be self-published online, but with eventual print collection(s) planned. Artists' identities will be strictly confidential if requested. I don't discriminate on the basis of gender or orientation, just quality and style. Please link to work that best represents how you'd handle the art for this project.
For the right person this could be a fun palate/palette cleanser between projects, or a week(end) of debauchery never to be spoken of again, or maybe even the start of a whole new career.
Learning to do the writer's hustle has been a bigger learning curve for me that learning to write.
I'm also in the collaborator-looking-for-business. This one's for the illustrators out there.
Length: 12 pages
Publisher: Viper Comics
Project: Cryptophobia Anthology. Here's some info right from the site -http://vipercomics.com/2010/09/09/cryptophobia-seeking-submissions/
Terms: Partnership/exposureship
Story: Two miners in Cobalt, Ontario stumble across Old Yellow Top (the bigfoot of Northern Ontario), but only one survives to tell the tale of the encounter. There's a fair amount of action, and also the opportunity to improvise a fair bit on the look of OYT. I did quite a bit of research for this, and tried to mesh as much actual history as possible into this story. Cobalt's an interesting town. In addition to being the home of the OYT legend, it was also the centre of a huge silver discovery in the early 1900s (when the story is set). Strangely enough, even though I'm in the same province, I'd never heard of OYT prior to writing this.
Other details: The script has been accepted for the anthology.
I don't think there's a hard deadline. It seems pretty flexible.
I'm happy to send the script along to anyone who's interested.
Thanks for your time!
If this bears fruit, of course, I'll need people to send me queries. But only the most kick-ass writers and artists will be accepted. I'd want to set Comic Book Tattoo, and no less, as the benchmark.
NEED: Colorist for the five pitch pages+cover that are complete.
DETAILS: The ideal colorist would be invested enough in the project to become a partner in its development. Color plays an extremely important role in these pages and in the ongoing story of which these pages are a part, so someone who understands the importance of color in telling a story would be perfect.
PM or email (epalicki@gmail.com) if interested or if you know anyone who can help!
The stories are between 7-9 pages in length, both crime related. I'd like to have someone that both pencils and inks their own work.
Interested parties please send some samples to ithireeul@gmail.com or PM me for more information.
My name is Jeff Telofski and I have a ten page monster/horror comic story that I would like to have an artist draw. The script has been approved by the editor of Cryptophobia, an digital anthology from Viper Comics (more info on Cryptophobia here: http://cryptophobia.com/) Here's the rundown -
Title: "All The Way"
Summary: "Spoofing the School Sex Education Films of the 1950s, this is the story of Bettie Johnson, and how one lustful decision can have consequences she can't even imagine!"
Length: Ten Pages
Page Rate: Negotiable
I am looking for an artist who can pencil, ink, and color the project. I will be sharing ownership of the story 50/50 with the artist, and profit sharing will also be 50/50 (if the digital anthology sells well and we ever see any!)
Please email me your portfolio links at jtelofski@yahoo.com. If I think your style will fit the story well, I will email you the script and if you enjoy it we will go from there! All styles are welcome.
Jeff Telofski
I've really enjoyed Jason Brubaker's musings on marketing and the like over at his reMIND website ( http://www.remindblog.com/ ), and I've really enjoyed a lot of the articles and discussions you all are having here-- seems like several of you would be pretty good fits as contributors to this sort of thing.
TITLE: "The Terror of the Pit"
FORMAT: 8-page short
TERMS: Partnership/Exposure
REIMBURSEMENT: 50% creator's credit/rights to display as portfolio example
"The Terror of the Pit" is an 8-page short, a humor/sci-fi/horror story. It's inspired a bit by "Red VS Blue" (remember that?), so it's basically me making fun of video games like Halo. B&W or grayscale.
I'm working to get some of my scripts drawn by others as I make my own strips. Honestly, I can't afford to pay a page rate right now and honestly, I know how shitty that sounds. If it was any longer than 8 pages I wouldn't suggest it because I know the value of time.
The comic'll have a slot displayed either through my weblog or I'll set up a free/cheap site for it somewhere, though as the terms and reimbursement suggest, you'll have the rights to show it on your own blog or portfolio site. While I try to assemble minibook collections of my comics to sell, this isn't a comic I'm going to try to make money from, mostly highlight my writing.
If you're interested, get in touch with me at costakout@gmail.com.
@ShawnRichison Thanks for the head's up on this Shawn! Also, i know you replied to my solicitation seeking an artist a few weeks back. I went with someone else but thought your portfolio looked great. Keep up the excellent work!
several more such jobs. FYI the comic does feature some tasteful nudity, if that's a concern for anyone. It a fun, lively comic with a really great artist, and should be an enjoyable project to work on.
If you are interested please PM me. I will
need to see samples of your previous work and an estimated cost. I pay on completion and
require all digital and publishing rights internationally.
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
My offered deal with all of these is basically the same: back-end, 60-40 favoring the artist, draw enough for a pitch, and if we don't get picked up, we can do it digitally somewhere. Or go straight to digital, because the Future is Now and so on.
A Duel Between Men
Length: 96 pages
Script: Finished
Plot: England's greatest swordsman runs afoul of an ex-Confederate gunslinger in a series of duels. An anachronistic farce of snappy dialogue and short fight scenes.
Big Picture: Essentially me doing with Oscar Wilde and swordplay what I did with Westerns in The Grave Doug Freshley. Older script that I rediscovered hadn't been lost; Bevis Musson was attached at one point but we just kind of unmaliciously vanished on each other (only some character sketches were done).
Length: Short comics
Script: Not yet.
Sort of a Wonder Woman riff, taking the bondage themes built into the
character and blowing a raspberry at them by making the character an escapologist par excellence. Also a bit of a wink at things like Mr. A, which are clearly just a creator espousing a philosophy by way of superheroes (see big picture below for philosophy in question). We'd start each story with her in a deathtrap and some villain ranting at her, show the escape, have her knock out the villain. Repeat ad nauseum.
Big Picture: It's therapy comics; the REAL death trap is like, depression, man, so like, if we draw this, like, superheroine (because women are better than dudes, like, obv.) breaking out of traps, there's like, some, like, comics-is-magic shit going on where we're like, rejecting depression?
Also, fo-reals, I feel like the elaborate deathtrap is a lost art in comics.
The Raconteur
Length: 96-120 pages or so; it should be a mini series, but I made a very solemn vow to only write GNs (and variable-length digital stuff)
Script: 20 something pages in, story plotted out pretty extensively
Plot: When a superheroine is killed in a cosmic whatever, her secret supervillain lover is left to take care of the child he didn't know they'd had.
Big Picture: I'm a busy man, and I need to multi-task scratching the itches of writing indie dramedies and trying to build some super-comics chops so I'm god-I-hope employable for WFH someday. Also all my friends are getting married and having kids and I need to parse that through comics a little bit.
Contact me at Jamheck at gmail dot com.